Over 16 updates were rolled out since our previous release notice. In addition to some minor improvements to the new Control Panel, we’ve released dozens bug fixes and a series of useful features.
Here they are!
- Forum module: switching between the pages error on the search page of user messages → fixed;
- Photo Albums module: system Lightbox operational issue → fixed;
- $ENTRY_CATS$ variable displaying an incorrect category URL → fixed;
- SEO module: the Monitoring of positions tool operational issues → fixed;
- $ORDER_GROUP_UID$ variable not working as it should → fixed;
- Forum module: the mechanism for recounting the number of pages in a thread after deleting messages → fixed;
- Specifications errors while displaying description, removing or adding new ones → fixed;
- Price list upload: error of displaying products in the configurator, if there are several merged cells → fixed;
- Video module: filtering operational issue → fixed;
- Blog module: the page of the entries archive operational issue → fixed;
- Polls module: the bug with changing the rate order after voting and groups restrictions → fixed;
System Updates
- The import feature for the Online Shop module was improved.
- The parent tags with the ‘faq-name-add’, ‘faq-usrnm-add’ classes were added to the FAQ module.
- The Thread manager feature was added to the Forum module.
- The parent block with the ‘subscribe-forum’ class was added to the list of Forum threads a user is subscribed to (/forum/0-0-1-46).
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