Online Shop Updates
- New variables for the Page of service forms template:
$COMPARE_JS_CATEGORIES$ – the compare list of product categories for JavaScript features of the page (product comparison page);
$COMPARE_TABS$ – block of tabs with compared product categories (product comparison page);
$COMPARE_ITEMS$ – block of compared products (product comparison page);
$COMPARE_SPEC$ – specification block of compared products.
- Product view on the comparison page template → added;
- Error while adding a new product specification → fixed;
- Incorrect saving of changes for the textarea fields while editing an order → fixed;
- Saving of the param tag parameters for product card while importing a price list from YML file → fixed;
- The default options set feature (more details can be found at the module’s page: /panel/?a=shop;l=opreset) → added;
- New variables for the Page of service forms template (can be used on the products comparison page):
$ALL_COMPARE_NUM$ – the number of products in all tabs;
$CAT_COMPARE_NUM$ – the number of products in the current tab.
- Due to the changes in Google’s policy, the settings for connecting the Google Maps service are changed. Now, to use the map service, you need to get an API key and specify it in the module’s settings;
- The ‘Access denied. Session period expired’ error appear while editing module’s categories → fixed;
- The Robokassa payment module has been improved. The Current order currency value was added for the Order currency field payment settings. If selected, a shop’s currency rate will be used for the total amount calculation.
Сhat Box Updates
- Сlasses for a block of messages elements are now available:
mcm-time is used for the block that displays the time when a message was added to the chat;
mcm-user is used for the block that displays user’s avatar and username;
mcm-user-profile is used for the user’s avatar link;
mcm-user-name is used for the user’s username link.
- The ‘List of words and their substitutes’ option error appears while saving → fixed.
Other Updates
- Users module (permissions section): the Manage spam statuses of posts (the possibility to forbid reporting certain posts) option → added;
- Comments (settings section): the Display new comments: top/bottom option isn’t organizing comments due to a value selected → fixed;
- Forum module: incorrect opening of a result’s filter page → fixed;
- Mobile version (PDA): $SMILES$ variable not being operational → fixed;
- Social Media Publisher: errors while connecting Twitter and Tumblr → fixed;
- Mobile version (PDA): $ERROR$ variable, that is used to display errors for entry comments → fixed;
- FAQ module’s main page: incorrect display of entries, if a category is not specified → fixed;
- Page editor module: the error that caused clearing of entries URL field while editing → fixed;
- Comments structured data is changed. All the structured data is moved to a separate variable, $MICROMARKING$. New additional variables are added for a custom creation of a structured data block:
$ITEM_NAME$ – the name of the post where the comment belongs to (no structured data);
$MICROMARK_DATE_PUBL$ – the time when the comment to the structured data was added.