At this point, the app is in the beta stage and that is why we will appreciate any feedback and suggestions that will allow us to make it better and more functional.
Supported Modules
As of now, the app works with the following modules:
- Users
- News
- Blog
- File Catalog
- Publisher
- Site Catalog
- Ad Board
- Guestbook
We will keep developing the feature set of the app following your requests and wishes. Ultimately, the app will support all of the modules available in the system.
And now let’s have a closer look at the app.
How to Add Your Websites?
Log in to the app using your uID account. All the websites that have been created under this account will be automatically added to the app. If access is not required to manage some websites with the app, such projects can be deleted. You can add them back at any time. The app supports the simultaneous operation with multiple uID accounts.
Upon clicking on the website, you will be taken to the page with general information about your website. There, you’ll have a direct access to the list of posts and comments pending premoderation. By using the left menu, you can proceed to posts of the specific module, set up notifications for posts pending premoderation as well as get back to the list of websites.
Questions & Answers
Can my website or domain name be stolen or deleted with the help of the app?
No, they can’t. The app doesn’t have and won’t have the features allowing to change the owner of the website or manage domains.
Can I enable administrators of my website to use the app too?
Yes, you can. Users of the app have the rights that correspond to those they have on the website. If the administrator of your website is allowed to edit posts of the module, they will be able to do it using the app too. For this, you need to enable uAPI in the settings of the each specific module of your website.
At the moment, not all of the modules are available in the app. When will the other be added?
We’re currently working on integrating the rest of the system modules. They will become automatically available as the app gets updated.
App Opportunities
– manage your website’s users; – view posts in modules and associated comments; – filter posts by category; – edit existing posts and add new; – delete posts and manage their status; – respond to posts’ comments; – edit, delete, and change the status of comments | – change general settings of your website or security settings; – delete or add modules on the website; – change module settings; – connect domain names or SSL certificates; – change passwords to access the website or FTP; – edit your website's design; – use the File Manager |
What’s Next?
As noted before, in the long run, the app will support all of the system modules, including the Online Shop module. With the help of the app you will be able to manage any content type of your website, receive and send personal messages, manage orders in the online store, and much more.
We look forward to your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve the app. You can leave your comments here, in the review section on Google Play Store, or email us at!